Friday, June 19, 2009

Don't you know we're on a dead line here people!

No pictures this time, but the room is almost finished and when it is done, we will put some up. It has been extremely busy around here for both Carl and I, but the time keeps getting smaller and my list keeps getting longer! ugh! Let me update you on the doctor. We are now seeing her every week because I am 36 weeks and she said everything is going beautifully! I am dialated to 2cm and 75% effaced so that is good. She said worse case scenerio is that we go all the way to the due date. She thinks she will come a little early! That would be good, because it is misserably hot and it is getting harder for me to walk (I think my joints are getting really loose and is making my hips and back hurt) but I AM NOT READY YET!!! Besides being absolutely scared and nervous about the whole birth thing, I really have so much to do still. Let me explain...the bedding that I ordered back in March and was told would be shipped no later than early May, got pushed back to end of May, then mid June, then end of June, then Beginning of July. Are you starting to see a pattern?? So needless to say, I am slightly irritated about that because I really wanted it all to be put together and in place decorations and all, so that I could sit back and enjoy it for at least a day or so. The painting is however finished, thanks to my wonderful dad!! He's the best. I still needed to paint the green stripe and due to our excessive 1970's texture walls the horizontal stipe was what you would call a big mess! So dad came to the rescue and put up a green chair rail for me instead. It looks fantastic!! I have also had some trainings going on and lots of changes next year which is going to spell huge headache in about 2 months, but oh well. Going to try and get bag packed, meals made, room finished, and figure out how to put that car seat in the car by this weekend. We'll see how that goes! :)

As for the rest of the family, Carl decided to go to school this summer 2 nights a week. He said it would be good timing! haha I think he really believes that! He hasn't quite got the idea that life is about to REALLY change, but he'll figure it out! He has been super busy at work, seeing that it is like a thousand degrees and 150% humidity outside. Yesterday we realized our poor Molly was officially 6 months old and we needed to decide if we were going to fix her or not before she went into heat, yuck! Our vet charges $300 so we called the humane society that said the first available was July 17th or today, so we said today! We just got her home and poor thing looks so sad and drugged up. Don't know if I can take those puppy dog eyes much longer!

We have another busy week coming up, but I will try to get some pictures up soon and let you all know what the doc says this Thursday.

p.s. I wasn't sure if I really believed all that stuff about getting really irritable and cranky toward the end of your pregnancy until TODAY!! haha can you tell? It was just one of those days! Watch out!! :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Reunion time!

Tonight was Carl's 10 year class reunion. I was extremely excited about going due to the fact that I am like 8 months pregnant and feeling pretty much like a beached whale! But, it was an excuse to buy a new outfit, get my nails done, and cut my hair. Hey, I had to do something to make myself feel a little better! haha Anyway, it wasn't as bad as either of us thought and we had a good time visiting with people we hadn't seen in a while. We got to go to dinner with our good friends Travis and Shandar who we don't get to see much anymore, so over all a good night. We have birthing class at the hospital tomorrow ALL day long. We were suppose to go last week but Carl got sick, and is still battling a cold. Leave it to both of us to procrastinate and have to do the fast track class! It should be fun though, I am excited!

Alvin High School Class of 1999
Carl and I

Old friends!! Heather, Kat, and I

Here is a pic a took a couple of days ago. I am now 34 weeks and only about 6 weeks left to go. Ok, so funny little note, I thought I was big (at least I feel that way) but according to everyone I meet or see, including the very opinionated nail lady, there is NO way I look over 8 months pregnant. In fact she laughed and told me no way, I had to be 6. I replied, "no I'm pretty sure I am 8." she said, "oh, must be a boy" nope wrong again. People at the reunion also kept making comments. Anyway, made a feel pretty good I guess! Let you know how class goes, it should be interesting with Carl there! haha

stock your freezer fun

Erica and Aimee had a great idea of getting together and making some meals that we could all freeze and use for later, seeing that we all just had or are about to have babies. We made 6 meals and had a great time just hanging out, cooking, and laughing. But, we were all very tired at the end. Here are some pics.

Baby Sadie just enjoying the company

Aimee shredding chicken
Erica, the master chef! :)

Melissa will never stuff another shell as long as she lives!! haha