Wednesday, November 4, 2009

can this week last any really, pleeease??

I don't mean that in any sarcastic way, really I wish this week could last forever. It has finally last week before going back to work. So next week Monday I am back to the daily grind of a hectic Kindergarten teacher. It has been so long, I'm not sure if I ever remember how to teach! hehe :) I have spent this week visiting with people and just cuddling and loving on my sweet little pea! I am going to miss her more than I can imagine, but I know she is in good hands and is going to have fun hanging out with Mitzi and Grace. I just never imagined that it would be this hard to leave her. I have all of these fears, that I guess every mother has, like how am I going to get enough time in, and what am I going to miss, and are we going to be as close, etc. etc. etc. I know it's crazy and everything will be just fine, but it's scary!! But, I am blessed to have the time I did with her and feel like it has really helped me to settle into motherhood quite nicely. You never know, situations could change one day...I just continue to pray about it. Anyway, so off to spend some more quality time with p bug, oh yeah and start thinking about what I am going to teach on Monday ;) here are just a few random pics. I love this picture of us before going to church
She is going to hate me one day for this big flower and I even said I wouldn't put it on her until she was bigger, but I couldn't resist, it really was cute!

she is getting so strong and really lifting up. she can roll from stomach to back but gets hung up on her shoulder the other way, soon though! ps and her eyes are still sooooo blue, so keep your fingers crossed!
One last thought, today as I was driving I started thinking back to the first time I put her in the car and how I was so paranoid and cried the first time she had a fit in the car. It was so hard to listen to her cry. well times have changed! I guess you know you've settled into motherhood when you tune out your child's cries in the car and suddenly find your self thinking, "oh I don't hear anything anymore, hmm guess she fell asleep?" ha what a difference a couple of months make!

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