Monday, April 5, 2010

Presley's first Easter

I didn't have very high expectations for Presley's interaction with this Easter, but she really surprised me and loved grabbing the eggs and shaking them around. This is a big post about all of our Easter festivities minus her perfect (yes I am bragging) picture with the Easter bunny...she actually started posing (she is such a mess!) Since we were gone last week camping we missed the Easter egg hunt at the church. On Wednesday the MOMS club was having an egg hunt in the morning. I could not take off for the morning but I was able to have my class covered and run up to the park for a few minutes and enjoy that time with her. It was so nice to be able to be there with her.

Practicing what to do with the eggs

"that doesn't look so hard, I think I can do that mom"

hunting eggs with my little Easter Bunny

chewing on mommy's of course

ahhhhh soooo excited!!! haha

playing on the playground
On Saturday we walked down to our neighborhood park to see the Easter Bunny and check out their festivities but by the time we got there they were almost done so we visited the petting zoo and the Easter Bunny and headed home. sorry no pics of that, they didn't load for some reason.

On Sunday, the Easter bunny left Presley a basket with a book, rattle toy, cherrio filled eggs, and a new swimming pool! Then we headed off to church and to my mom and dad's house after for more egg fun! Over all it was a nice and relaxing Easter and I just enjoyed spending time with my wonderful family.

checking out her goodies, (dad couldn't resist the ears again)

WOW! what do you mean there is stuff in these??

attempt at a family pic...glad someone is super excited :)

Funny story about Easter egg hiding. I asked Carl to go lay the eggs out for Presley to get. I was just going to put them on the sidewalk or grass for her to crawl up to and get, but when I looked out I only saw one. when I asked Carl, he said he hid them like I asked. When I say hid, I mean HID like hard for even me to find. On the fence, in the grill, behind plants, in the tree. I just started laughing!! I told him a little to early for that tricky of hiding, but maybe in a few more years! haha. It took me a few minutes to find them and lay them on the grass. I guess we all got to go on an egg hunt after all!

my beautiful girl! Warning, there were too many beautiful pics to choose from so I just put alot! :)

helping her find her eggs

my big girl walking with Daddy

she looks like she is really thinking about it


I just LOVE this girl and absolutely love this face!! I think we are going to have to lock her up sooner than we thought, I see lots of boys knocking at our door!! ugh!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

9 month stats

I look P to the doctor on Friday for her 9 month appointment! I can't believe it has been 9 months and the next time we go it will be for her year appointment!! Sometimes I wish I could just stop time and savor it a little more. Everything was well and my little active monkey is doing great and ahead of the schedule as far as language and movement go...who would have thought! :)

height - 28 3/4 inch (92%)
weight - 17 lbs (41%)
head - 17 1//4 in (53%)

She is still on the track to be tall and thin. Her weight percentile has gone up but she is still on the smaller side, which makes it hard to keep her from crawling out of her pants! haha

yes, he thinks she will be keeping the blue eyes! yay!! aren't they gorgeous!!
we are now crawling and pulling up on EVERYTHING!! she is getting more daring everyday and won't be long until she is running!

love this expression, she just makes us both laugh! she is exploring Molly more but loves to play with her, and Molly is so good around her!

I use to do this same thing with baby food lids. I think she is working hard on her top two teeth because she is chewing and pulling on everything.

my pretty girl

along with eating more food, she is becoming more challenging to feed because she wants her hands in it and it is getting a lot more messy. Which her father has a hard time handling! haha but this is what happens when you put vanilla pudding in your hair! at least she is happy! We just hose her off after she eats now :)
I am saving all of my Easter pics until after tomorrow, so I will post those soon. be sure to scroll down for lots more post. I will try to be a better updater this next month!

outdoor girl

My parents got a new camper last month with a couple of slideouts which gives us a LOT more room so last weekend we went off on another camping adventure to Lake Livingston. Last time we went Presley was only 2 months old. Now she is 9 so she should be a pro! ha! We did have a really good time and my girl proves once again that she loves, loves, loves, being outside...and of course with her Grammy and Pawpaw. We had a great time and P loved crawling around the camper and looking out the big windows, riding on the bike, swinging at the park, and going on lots of walks. It was so nice to get away!

Pawpaw pushing P in the big swing for the first you think she likes it?

YEP! she loved it!! she would just giggle and kick her feet like crazy

the swing wasn't enough so Pawpaw attempted to climb up the big slide


"Pawpaw this is how you do it"

"now let me read to you"

There were lots of ducks in the lake and Molly just couldn't resist chasing them, but they proved to be much faster!

taking a break and enjoying some ice cream

I have been informed that Grandma's purposes are to spoil and teach grand kids things they are not suppose to do in front of their parents! basically whatever they want! haha so my mom let P have all the candy she wanted...well sort of! She loved the shiny paper and tried to stuff as much in her mouth as possible. it was so cute!

Uh oh! Busted! "ok mom, let me explain...this is not what it looks like, Grammy did it!"
what a mess!

our happy family before we went home. We had such a nice spot and view of the lake, but Saturday night the wind picked up and was so strong on Sunday that we couldn't go outside so we had to pack up a little early.