Monday, November 30, 2009

So much to be Thankful for

Wow how things have changed in a year! I went from being sick at the sight and smell of Turkey during my first Trimester of Pregnancy to this beautiful smiling face that brightens my life! My how God has blessed us this year. We had so much to be Thankful for and to celebrate as we enjoy all of these milestones called baby's first. Thanksgiving was fun, I only got pictures of P...sorry :) We went to mom and dads and had our new youth minister and his wife (Steve and Lynn) over for dinner since they were far away from their family in Oregon. Here are some pics

"What was that mom?? don't play with the china?"
"but watch...I can help too!"

our beautiful table

Presley's Thanksgiving...cereal and bananas and sweet potatoes. Even though the dr. doesn't want us giving her solids till she is 6 mths. we thought we would make an exception for the special occasion. she slept through dinner so had hers later. This is only her 2nd taste of food so she wasn't sure at first! It was too funny! I was rolling

"mmmm, hey this stuff isn't so bad!"

bib after! yuck!

a pony for Presley

A few weeks back my parents went to the Medina Children's Home dinner and found this pony at the silent auction and couldn't resist! So Presley now has her first pony! It is so cool...when you push its ear it neighs and swishes it's tail. She is a little small for it right now, but I am sure she is going to love it very soon. It also came with this cute hate, an outfit, chaps, bandana, six shooter and holder, puzzle, and book! She is so cute...let's just hope she likes stuffed ponies and doesn't start asking for a real one! haha

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Girls weekend

This weekend was opening of deer season, and as usual we were manless! So, as the boys headed to lease, mom came over for some fun...and to help me (I'm definitely not cut out to be a single mom) We shopped till we dropped on Saturday and just spent quality time playing with Presley. We usually give her a bubble bath, but Friday we decided just to put water and a little soap and add her rubber ducky. She loved it!! She just splashed and laughed! At one point she propped her arm up and was just hanging was sooo cute! I snapped the pic above and her face just cracked me up!

Presley has been getting really close to rolling over but she always gets caught on her shoulder. Well Friday night she did it and I caught it on video for Carl to see since he was away.

Well tomorrow it is back to work! Time is finally up! :( Thanks to you all for your words of encouragement, it is going to be a hard week, but we will get through it and start making a routine. But, I will let you all know how it goes. Off to bed again...I already tried to go to sleep, but go figure, I couldn't so figured I would blog really quick.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

did you get the memo??

Each year the beloved thing we call daylight saving time comes along and we either jump forward (not a fan) or fall back. I'm pretty sure everyone, well at least me, loves to gain an hour of treasured sleep. It's like a little gift from the world and you go to bed and magically get another hour and wake up a little more refreshed. Well, I don't think babies get the memo or cherish that extra hr. like we do! In fact, mine in particular has taken it away from me and caused me to loose even more! haha Just when we thought we were making progress toward full nights sleep or at least till 5 am where I could get up feed her and start getting ready for work. But now it is more like between 3-4 every night! which to her is still 5! We have even tried giving her what we call the formula milkshake to help keep her little belly fuller longer, and nope doesn't help. Whoever said cereal and formula at night help them suddenly sleep longer was wrong! Oh well, hopefully she will eventually catch on to the new time...let's hope soon since I will be going back to work!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

can this week last any really, pleeease??

I don't mean that in any sarcastic way, really I wish this week could last forever. It has finally last week before going back to work. So next week Monday I am back to the daily grind of a hectic Kindergarten teacher. It has been so long, I'm not sure if I ever remember how to teach! hehe :) I have spent this week visiting with people and just cuddling and loving on my sweet little pea! I am going to miss her more than I can imagine, but I know she is in good hands and is going to have fun hanging out with Mitzi and Grace. I just never imagined that it would be this hard to leave her. I have all of these fears, that I guess every mother has, like how am I going to get enough time in, and what am I going to miss, and are we going to be as close, etc. etc. etc. I know it's crazy and everything will be just fine, but it's scary!! But, I am blessed to have the time I did with her and feel like it has really helped me to settle into motherhood quite nicely. You never know, situations could change one day...I just continue to pray about it. Anyway, so off to spend some more quality time with p bug, oh yeah and start thinking about what I am going to teach on Monday ;) here are just a few random pics. I love this picture of us before going to church
She is going to hate me one day for this big flower and I even said I wouldn't put it on her until she was bigger, but I couldn't resist, it really was cute!

she is getting so strong and really lifting up. she can roll from stomach to back but gets hung up on her shoulder the other way, soon though! ps and her eyes are still sooooo blue, so keep your fingers crossed!
One last thought, today as I was driving I started thinking back to the first time I put her in the car and how I was so paranoid and cried the first time she had a fit in the car. It was so hard to listen to her cry. well times have changed! I guess you know you've settled into motherhood when you tune out your child's cries in the car and suddenly find your self thinking, "oh I don't hear anything anymore, hmm guess she fell asleep?" ha what a difference a couple of months make!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

flying high

I can never remember going to the airshow, but for the past 3 years I have watched a lot of it go on over our house. This year since the weather was nice and the Hamiltons were going, we decided to let Presley spend a lazy afternoon with the Grandparents and off we went. It was neat! Lots to look at and the jets were awesome!!! They always give me chills (that is the coolest job on the planet!) Anyway, for the price I think we decided we will all go set up some lawn chairs in a field somewhere and see the exact same thing for free :)

blue angels whizzing by

they did some pretty cool tricks, and lots of chicken that made you cringe ever time!

Carl's favorite jet an A-10 Thunderbolt

The wonderful Hamiliton family

Ms. Rachel and me waiting in line to go through the hurricane hunting plane

Carl and Rachel sitting in the plane...I think Carl has been in these seats more times than he would like :)