Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm Baaaaack...

ok ok I know I said I was going to do this blog at least through the first year of my child's life and beyond, but, well...I got close. See the world of facebook was a much easier place to share photos and what was going on in our life. However, Facebook comes with it's own set of problems...specifically addiction and wasted time problems. SO, I gave it up! Yes, I did it!! And then got hooked on something much more addictive but much more productive ;) hehe You guessed it...PINTEREST!! But, what I have learned from Pinterest is how many cool things people are making and doing and sharing with others through blogs. So I decided to start mine back up and you never know I just might share some of my creativity with you, or, at least things that I have gotten from other people! lol So, in my new blog I not only will give friends and family the opportunity to catch up with our lives, but maybe some projects (school and home), receipes, and other fun tidbits. I hope you enjoy it! :)

For starters let me catch you up just a bit. Presley will be 3 this summer!!! I know, she is no longer a baby but a crazy emotional toddler and we love her to death!! Carl calls her our hot southern mess! lol We bought and redid a house this year and still own our old one and are renting it out. This summer will be 1 year and as I speak Carl is grouting the backsplash! our last kitchen project! Always something to be done. I am still teaching kindergarten and Carl is busy at work as well. We love our new home and neighborhood! We have done some traveling. Last year we went to New England and Egypt to visit Carl's dad. This year we took a trip to North Carolina and Tennesse. We have had our share of good and bad times in the last few years but with God's strength and grace we have persevered and come through. I look forward to the life we have left to live, the family we want to grow, and the love that we share.